Ring Size Guide

The internet has made the world much more accessible, so that nowadays you don't always have to go to an actual store to buy jewelry. At the same time, the fact that you can't measure rings before you buy them can be a little difficult, but there is a solution for that as well and it is a ring size guide. Using a ring size guide, you can easily know what size ring you should order. Whether you are buying a ring as a gift or as a treat, every woman has her own finger size and it is important to know it in order to fit the ring optimally. Using the following guide, you can easily measure the intended finger, in the comfort of your home, and know exactly what the ring size is.
Measuring a ring using an app Nowadays, you don't have to go too far to measure the size of your finger, all you have to do is download a dedicated mobile application, place the ring on the screen, adjust the size of the circle that appears on the screen to the size of the ring and the size that appears afterwards is the size of the ring.
Measuring rings using thread Another way to measure the size of the ring is using sewing thread, or any other thin thread. To do this, apart from the wire, you must also have a ruler or meter and a pencil or pen. Take the sewing thread and wrap it around the finger, making sure to wrap around the lower, thicker part. Mark with your hand the point where the two ends of the wire meet and measure the length of the wire up to this point with the ruler. The measurement units that are received are in centimeters and when we have the length of the thread we will have to access a measurement table in order to identify the size of our ring.
If there is no thread available at hand, you can also cut a piece of paper and wrap it around your finger, and mark with a pencil or pen the meeting point between the two ends of the paper.

Important tips for the successful measurement of a ring for women In order for ring measurement to be as accurate as possible, follow these tips:

The thread is not too tight - the thread must be just the right amount, meaning not too tight and not too loose. It should feel on the finger like a ring feels.

Measurement at room temperature - it should be noted that the finger being measured is not too hot or cold, as the hand tends to expand and contract depending on the temperature. It is desirable that the measurement be carried out at room temperature.

Differences between measurements - you should take into account that the measurements between the fingers of the right hand and the fingers of the left hand may be different. Therefore, if necessary, measure the fingers on both palms.

Bigger is always better than smaller - if you are not sure about the size, it is always better to order a slightly larger size than a smaller size (half a size larger).

Measure in the right place - you should always measure the thicker part of the finger.

Measurement after exercise - if you have performed physical activity, it is recommended to measure the circumference of the finger about ten minutes later.



ย Size Chart